Darrell Rose’s musical interlude.  Not only is he an amazing musician with traditional African instruments but an equally amazing visual artist.  His vibrant art is the backdrop.  Nov. 7th, 2013.

darrell drums Darrell Opening

Darrell 1 string

Dia de los Meurtos- Day of the Dead Celebration.  The Firefish artists- Suzanne Nelson, Sigrid Eilertson, Susan Clawson and Araxe Hajian constructed this colossal paper mache sugar skull!  It was awarded to a lovely winner at the end of the night.  sugar skull

day o' dead cake

This is our entry for the Maker Faire.  A Steampunk inspired dress made by our artists Susan Clawson, Araxe Hajian, Sigrid Eilertson, and Suzanne Nelson.  It is constructed out of recycled computer chips, recycled fabrics, and hardware.  Modeled by the lovely Stephanie Morrell.  October 4th, 2013.
Stephanie1 Stephanie2

Check out some photos from September’s First Friday and the private opening for Samia Ansari’s new photography exhibition! Out Loud is on display until October 1st. 20% of all proceeds from the show will go to ROSMY, an organization serving queer and questioning youth in Virginia.

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